Hi Guys,
I have a small home network I use to host web/email servers etc.
I have an ADSL connection using PPPOE and a static IP address. The modem is a cheap TP-LINK tp-8616 and a pfsense box handles the PPPOE connection. I recently got a /30 subnet from my ISP as I wanted to do some testing and add a couple of servers. I recently changed my router/firewall to pfsense and it has been working fine with the single IP and using split DNS and port forwarding.
The pfsense box has 2 lan cards, one to the modem and one to a switch out to the LAN.
Static assigned IP from PPPOE 206.xxx.xxx.31
New subnet from ISP 192.171.xxx.56/
My ISP is Teksavvy.
I must be missing something as I can not get the new IP addresses to work. In pfsense I created a virtual IP for 192.171.xxx.57 and set 1:1 NAT to one of the machines and...