I'm looking enable Traffic Shaping on my pfsense routers (4 of them)
Attached is my network wan layout
Each network has 4 Lans, with the exception of the .139 network it has 5 lan because of the DMZ there.
The traffic shaping wizard gets me to a good start with applying Qos to each lan and giving priority to IP phones, as well as limiting p2p traffic to almost none. and limiting the wan interface traffic to a cap. Now the thing I need is to have the bandwidth cap on the Wan but somehow bypass that for traffic over the VPN, I want traffic over our vpn's not be limited since in our setup that is not actual internet and therefore not costing us. They are running a mesh VPN called TINC. so each router would need rules somehow to bypass the limit for the 3 other routers. How would I do this?